Sunday, November 29, 2009

Long Over Due Update for Nov. 29th 2009

Hi Everyone,

I hope the forex Gods have been treating you well.This latest cycle took a lot longer than anticipated but non the less it has almost cycled.Were still in reasonable profits but not "WOW" profits.Here is an updated You Tube video here:

you may have to copy and paste the link.

There will be a follow up of direction with all the pairs.

David Lockwood

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Account Update

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick update.You can all follow the 7 majors by logging into and using

account login: 90243625
Password : ur6qqih

It's presently plus $105.00 as I write. Each pair is set up with 6 max orders and 10 cents a lot.The target was just set for the remaining 3 trades of 6 max orders and they will continue to cycle.



Saturday, September 26, 2009


Hi Everyone,

The demo account was closed for 2 reasons.As you have read on the blog and in videos I had purposely over leveraged using 10 pairs and applying 20 trades on each pair therefor having 200 trades working at any one time.There was no money management applied which I also feel strongly about and therefor profits were never taken which I have always encouraged. The second reason is directions.I have 20+ pairs on a weekly chart with my custom indicator "the floater" which gives great directional guidance.It is a tad lagging but none the less sets up the swap collector beautifully.I have attached a platform started a week ago of 4 pairs all cross pairs and heavy hitters at 6 max trades and 10 cents a pip.It profited over $300.00 this past week.I am not recommending these pairs.These 4 pairs were the first 4 to change their direction on the weekly chart.
This new platform can be followed by using:

account: 90291131
read only password: tq8dgzn

I firstly would recommend that you never play more than 4 pairs per platform.Stay away from heavy hitters as my 4 pair platform until you have money to burn from your other platforms you have set up.I will be updating the changes as they happen for weekly direction and if your pairs are set in those directions even with the retracements you'll be in the right direction to collect your pips.Swap will not always be a plus factor but the collection of pips will always be priority until you can invest larger dollars where swap begins to count.

As I have stated many times,go with about 6 max orders to start at 10 cents a pip.Let the first 3 trades which is 1 full day for version 2 and 3 be placed without a target.When you have your first 3 trades set on all 4 pairs, then put a target of your choice on all pairs for the remaining 3 trades.Be realistic with your targets and goals when your playing for 10 cents a pip.It is better to have 2,3 or 4 platforms with each having 4 pairs at six max orders and 10 cent pip size and have each of them collect $100 then start rather than having 1 set to $400 as your target.Smooth price action is also better than choppy action causing the EA to go through many cycles.Choppy is fine but you'll need to stay on top of it to maximise the profits when a peak of a cycle is reached until you get version 3 with the close all..
Please work with a NON USA PLATFORM.I use and have never had any problems with the EA.In the US with the FIFO rule now the Ea will not function properly.

One other update,late but still an update is the GBP/JPY have a new floater signal to the sell side from the previous buy signal.

David aka spiritfriends

Friday, September 25, 2009

Video Blog Roll Removed

Hi Everyone,

It was brought to my attention that since I installed the You Tube video roll that navigation of the site had frozen.I have removed iot but you can still view the updates on video on you tube.Any new video with be linked in a posting on the site.

David aka spiritfriends

Thursday, September 17, 2009

New Video...Update for Sept 17th

Hi Everyone,

I just completed a new video on You Tube and you can link to it from here : . There are 2 directional changes to update.Both the EUR/CHF and GBP/CHF have changed from a buy to a sell
.There are more changes and updates to come so come back often.

David aka spiritfriends

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Thoughts for the Day

Hi Everyone,

Attached is a screenshot of where the 10 pair account is this morning.A big improvement over last week.Cycles sometimes can get very big.The amazing stat is that for 10 pairs,200 trades active that even being over leveraged the account handled it very well.
At this point the equity is $2560+ and the balance is $15025.83 from a $10,000 start in July.In this screenshot you can see that swap collection is +$52.90 while we are waiting for the cycle to come full circle.
In version 3,you would be able to protect your balance from going below the $10,000 start but as I said before that would compensate the returns.The plan again is to choose 2-4 pairs and apply a small max order at 10 cents and let it build.Closed targets have averaged between $1.00 and $10.00 and were close to $5000 in closed profits.Trades never exceeded 20 cents a pip.The point is,the Swap Collector can return you a nice on going income stream with pennies.

David aka spiritfriends

Monday, September 7, 2009

Update for the 10 pair

Hi Everyone,

Well summer around here is officially over.Last day for the CNE... the kids go back to school tomorrow and it's time to get serious about work again.I hope everyone enjoyed their time off this summer.
If there is one thing I would like everyone to understand in regards to my 10 pair swap collector it would be the word "over leveraged".I'm still sitting good and the account has come back 50% since last weeks draw down.Profit is still good and trades are still reaching target everyday adding to the balance.The message though is to choose a few pairs at low max orders and small pip size and you'll be able to build a nice amount each month for your account.
Everyone doesn't like draw downs especially big draw downs.I'm the same way but never adjusted the account because I know my Ea and although the cycle went deep this time because of about 200 trades active all at 20 cents,it's still doing nicely.
I will be doing a video update on version 3 and other key factors for being successful with the Forex Swap Collector so keep coming back for the posting.

David aka spiritfriends

Tuesday, September 1, 2009 pairs

Hi Everyone,

Here are the pairs used on and the direction based on the weekly charts using my custom indicator for a directional guide.

silver-buy gold-buy eurusd-buy usdchf-sell gbpjpy-buy eurchf-buy eurgbp-sell
audusd-buy usdcad-sell gbpusd-buy usdjpy-sell audjpy-buy audnzd-sell cadjpy-buy
chfjpy-buy audcad-buy euraud-sell eurcad-sell eurjpy-buy gbpaud-sell gbpcad-sell gbpchf-buy nzdjpy-buy nzdusd-buy

I will be previewing some charts that are about ready to turn or have just turned which would make for some nice profits.

David aka spiritfriends

Sunday, August 30, 2009

NEW...Updates on directions to take with each pair!

Hi Everyone,
I want everyone to take a look at what I will be doing for Swap Collector.Most everyone has voiced concerns about pairs and direction to take.First off,unless we can trade pairs like eur/try etc we will not make much of anything for swap.The Swap Collector was named in 2007 when the swap situation was different.You always had a positive swap and negative swap depending on direction.Then came the 2008 meltdown.Brokers changed their swaps leaving us with a negative swap and changing the positive swap to a lesser negative swap also,like the lesser of 2 evils.So we'll now focus on the positive aspect of this time based EA.
In the screenshot is a weekly chart.You'll see a blue arrow which represents a buy direction and an orange arrow representing a sell direction.I also have my version of the Murray Math lines which I have used for a long time for direction.Notice the buy-sell-buy-sell arrows on the chart for the usd/cad.The signals are pretty accurate for suggesting direction.Presently for usd/cad we are in a sell mode since March 29th 2009.In our EA, if we were playing usd/cad we would set the direction for sell and follow the rest of the rules of the first half of the trades being placed with no target then the second half of the max orders, having a target to suit your comfort zone.It could be 50 pips 100 pips, more or less, but until we get a blue arrow we stick with sell direction.
Upon getting a blue or buy signal we close all our trades and begin the cycle over now setting a buy direction.When we get an orange arrow for sell direction then we close all trades again and begin the cycle in a sell direction.As you can see there are some bounces and as long as you aren't over leveraged with too many max orders and excessive pip size then there will be no problem in waiting for the retracement to end and continue in the direction of the arrow.
If you compute from arrow to arrow for pip totals you will see that pip totals are huge in the directions of the arrows.I have also just about finished with testing version 3 which includes a close all for you to use when the direction changes and all trades are closed before you reverse direction.
Once I have completed the directions of all pairs that uses,I will post them.I will update as they change.For anyone wanting to be notified by email of the changes of directions for the pairs,you can do that by sending me your name and the email you would like the updates sent to at and put "I would like updates" in the subject line.You do not have to had purchased the Ea to get these updates as many are watching and following the blog.
If your following the 10 pair with the read only password I posted you will see that we are in draw down.Please don't let this sway you.Consider that 10 pairs is way to many pairs for anyone to trade but does indicate the fluctuations of the EA.The account started with 10k and sits with a balance of 14K and draw down around 4K so were at about break even...for over leveraged positions.
David aka spiritfriends

Monday, August 17, 2009

Vacation Time

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick note to say that I am on 2 weeks vacation at the cottage but will still reply from there or send EA's if purchased.Both the 2 and 10 pairs are in draw down presently because they both have gbp/jpy and other yen pairs but if you have them at 10 cents a pip nothing to fear.Whatever Ea you find and play...if you plan on using gbp/jpy you need to have deep pockets.
I will be doing some updates from the cottage on rainy days.Everyone enjoy the next 2 weeks of summer before the kids are back in school.

David aka spiritfriends

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Changes Coming

Hi Everyone,

I hope everyone is making profit with their Swap Collectors.There are a few changes on the board right now.The first is a new video for set up and logic.The video posted at Files anywhere is corrupt and only plays audio so that will be replaced.
My programmer,FerruFx has completed version 3 for me and I am testing it right now.The big change is a close all has been added to the EA.You just set the dollar amount you want close your cycle at and presto...when it reaches that amount everything closes very quickly.If anyone is in need of a programmer I can vouch for Ferru as he has been doing my EA's for years now.Contact me and I'll pass on his email.
That's about it for now.Look for the video and I'll also be posting favourable pairs to run Swap Collector with.

Regards to all,

David aka spiritfriends

Friday, August 7, 2009

Wow What a Day !

Hi Everyone,

Here is a perfect example of "set and forget". Last night (Thursday) I checked my 2 and 10 pair charts and the 2 pair was in draw down -$1500(playing a dollar a pip) and the 10 pair about -$500.00.When I woke and checked there wasn't much of a difference so off to work I go.I get home late,eat,shower put my son down for bed and finally sit down at the computer.I check the 10 pair first and do a double take that I'm plus $2057.89.If I was at home I would have closed just before the market close so now I'll do that on Sunday.
I go to my 2 pair of gbp/jpy and eur/usd and $3846.93 is looking back at me! Again if I'm home I close and start over just before the close but will do that on Sunday.So since July 19th when I started this 2 pair set up I closed the first 2 times and brought the account to $6168.35 and with this float to close at $3846.93 the equity is $10,015.28 from a $3000 start and in only 18 trading days.
With the 10 pair now at $13,937.49 in equity and that started July 12th the 2 platforms total a profit of $10,952.77 ! Now if I was home watching the fireworks of NFP I would have been tempted to close early but I was at work.There of course are lots of scenarios but the one that unfolded was the set and forget and they did great for another week.
I hope everyone that is trading Swap Collector had a good day also and I would like to hear your stories and share them on the blog.

David aka spiritfriends

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sideways for 8

Hi Everyone...This is a screenshot of my 2 pair Swap Collector version 2 that has more than doubled the account in 3 weeks.Take note that each pair has layed 8 trades each in the sideways motion and still there is profit showing.
I will keep you posted on the next move.

David aka spiritfriends

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Corrections on pip values with

Hi Everyone,

I must apologize for an error in my reporting of pip values with 5 digit usage I should only use 4 digits which instead of pip value being 1 cent .01 it is 10 cents.So having a pip target of 100 in the Ea actually becomes a 10 pip target at 10 cents and thus the $1.00 reached targets in my videos.So for everyone trading with,you must apply 1000 pip target to collect 100 pips.
So what does all this mean.The good news is that all demo and live accounts with operate through the UK so no problem with my EA with the FIFO rule the NFA applied.The lowest lot size per pip is .01 or 10 cents.The really good news is even though we were under the impression that we were trading at 1 cent,we actually were at 10 cents and we haven't seen much of any draw downs since May 28th with the 4 pair Swap Collector and all profits are still real and valid.
So thank you to the traders that have helped to make this correction and I'm happy that the emails coming in report good pip profits to date.

David aka spiritfriends

New You Tube Video Update

Hi Everyone,

The Swap Collector continues to churn out the profits.I've doubled my 2 pair account started July 19th from $3000 to over $6100 and my 10 pair I just cashed in for $1800+.This truly set and forget EA has made these profits with pennies.

To view the video click here:

David aka spiritfriends

Friday, July 31, 2009

2 Pair Update

Hi Everyone,

I just received a comment and question from a fellow trader and you can read his comment below in the last post.The answer to that question...any pair can be used with the Swap Collector. Since we had the chaos 6-8 months ago,a lot of brokers have negative swap for both the buy and sell sides.The 4 pair does have a pair that gives great swap but as observed from a fellow trader,the overall swap for the 10 and 2 pairs have negative swap.When your playing with smaller funds there isn't great collections of swap experienced.The most important side of the SC then becomes how the pairs inter mingle with each other.When you close an account to start over you certainly don't want a big chunk of your profits gone to swap so you must try your best to counter the swaps so the swap subtraction is minimal.
If you follow the steps with Swap Collector,you will have good profits even though the pairs are both paying negative swap.I just finished closing my 2 pair of GBP/JPY and EUR/USD and banked over $2000 using .05 or 5 cents per pip and 20 max orders.I'll be adding a video this weekend for everyone to view.

Thanks for dropping by!

David aka spiritfriends

Monday, July 27, 2009

$2100.49 profit since July 12th

Hi Everyone,

I just finished another video update on 2 set ups using a platform.Lot size only 1 cent for the 10 pair and 5 cent for the 2 pair.This set and forget EA between the 2 set ups has collected $2100.49 since July 12th 2009!
My purpose in sharing these set ups is to show how little lot sizes can still produce sizable returns.You can use any pairs with this EA but remember that volatile pairs could go into a sizable draw down as well as sizable profits.
As always play within your means and do not over leverage.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

More Good News !

Hi Everyone,

I've been trying to show traders how a little goes a long way.I have a read only password so you can follow the 10 pair Swap Collector trading at a .01 lot size or 1 cent and I've just started on Sunday a 2 pair Swap Collector trading at a lot size of .05 or 5 cents.Both are doing well and both statements are posted in theis email.
My original 4 pair Swap collector which I started on May 28 is now at a balance of $21,138 and that started at $10,000!

David aka spiritfriends

This is the 10 pair statement

This the 2 pair statement

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Correction but GOOD news !

Hi Everyone,

Last Sunday I started a 10 pair Swap Collector 2 and lot size was .01 which I thought was 10 cents.It turns out that since uses 5 decimal points that it's actually 1 cent.Through the start of the week the account climbed to over $700.00.That's even more amazing that it was on lot sizes of 1 cent.I do have some pretty volatile pairs like GBP/JPY which was channeling 4-500 pips but with multiple lots at 1 cent it wouldn't take long for the account to show a big profit.Just the same it could have gone to the minus side also but all 10 pairs would have to break down together.
The week closed at $300 dollars so if I had of closed the account at $700 then closed an additional $300 the take was over $1000.This from 1 cent per lot.
Now I have had a lot of traders voice that they have $500-$1000 to play with and my suggestion to you would be to start with 4 pairs at 1 cent and have max lots at 20.I don't see any point in placing the first 10 trades for swap as it won't collect that much and those extra 10 trades can collect nicely at the 100 pip target.
My 4 pair Swap Collector 2 that started June 18th went over the 20K mark this week with swap around $1455 right now.You can see that you collect the price of Swap Collector 2 over and over again with the profits from the EA.The other nice feature is the "set and forget".I never close,adjust or take profits manually.I start the platform before Sunday open and close it Friday close.

David aka spiritfriends

Thursday, July 16, 2009

100 Pip Targets Applied Tonight

Hi Everyone,

All 10 pairs received their first 10 trades each so I have applied now the 100 pip target.See below post for the read only password to follower the trades.Were sitting about + $405 right now.

David aka spiritfriends

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

10 Pair Swap Collector 2

Hi Everyone,

On Sunday I started a 10 pair Swap Collector 2 and having some success with it.presently were at $384.53 using just .01 lots 10 cents for all 10 pairs.Forget the swap at this low price,it's only at -$1.89.This will show you the power of $10.00 as after 10 trades are placed on all 10 pairs,then I will apply the 100 pip target to the remaining 10 trades on each pair and watch the $10.00 targets start adding up.
here is the read only password for anyone wanting to follow this setup.
Login : 90243625
Investor : ur6qqih

The account is a so you will need to open a demo then apply the login and the read only passwprd if you want to follow.I will continue to post updates on this.

David aka spiritfriends

Saturday, July 11, 2009

July 10 2009 Update

Hi Everyone,

Since June 18th when we began a carry over of $11,430 and smiles are on every ones faces as profits on the 4 pair Swap Collector are close to $8,000 since June 18th.Now that's a great month and there is still another week to make it a month.Many have asked when to take profits and my reply to all is to decide that for yourself.What are you happy with?A profit of $8,000 is good anytime of the month!
If you decide to close,after the money is banked,you can begin the whole process over again.Now the new NFA rule of FIFO would effect the Ea if you have a US broker but the way around that is to go to your brokers foreign office.I am also considering getting the Ea coded in other languages so it can run on Ninja or Trade Station etc but again a US broker would cause a problem for this Ea unless I implement a penny difference on every trade.I would certainly consider having that done if the requests multiply for that service.

I have done a You Tube video on the update and it can be seen here: .

Your questions can be directed to

David aka spiritfriends

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Time for an Update

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for coming back to my blog for this update.My last post,we started over after the account closing and carried over $11,430 to start a new account on June 18th.Below is the screenshot at the close June 26th.We started the 100 pip target yesterday also after getting the exact number of trades we need on the 4 pairs to carry the swap.
Were at a profit of $2658.18 with $237.20 collected in swap(interest). All this accomplished in 8 trading days.Two choices here.Continue,and leave everything alone or close and collect your 8 day paycheck of $2658.18!!!



David aka spiritfriends

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Forced New Cycle

Hi Everyone,

Some how a demo account which shouldn't go down did so now I will have to pick up where we left off and continue.We had a swap of $804 in 18 trading days(Sunday included) and a net profit of $2624.00 from 100 pip targets being reached for a total of $3438.00.We were well on our way to a $5000 month with the remaining days left in the month of June.Here is the screenshot of the statement before it closed.
If you have any questions please direct them to .

Monday, June 15, 2009


Hi Everyone,

Were in positive float territory tonight.Additionally,profit from 100 pip targets is up to $1804.00.What really stands out is the swap collected since May 28th @ $582.00.

David aka spiritfriends

Friday, June 12, 2009


Hi Everyone,

The Forex swap Collector has been doing well and I have an update for everyone.You can view another You Tube video with the update here: .If anyone has questions please send them to .

David aka spiritfriends

Friday, June 5, 2009

Benifits of Setting a Target

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to post another good question from a trader and touch on a practice that can save you some losses.
Here is the post and question:

I am using it with 0.01 lots for the pairs AUDUSD and USDCHF . I have chosen AUDUSD because of higher swap and becuase it seems to me that USDCHF is an adequate hedge. But I notice , that a simultaneous movement usually gives more value for AUDUSD than for USDCHF , a situation which is even convenient now with a positive trend of AUDUSD. But in a negative trend it will lead to losses which surely will be larger than the collected swap ( and possibly the trend might continue over the maximal 40 trades , so that I experience no cycle and a cumulating loss ) .
My question:Would it be clever to use 0.02 lots for USDCHF when I see definitely a negative trend ( to have a more correct hedge and possibly even more profit ) ?

and my answer:

The proper lot size for eurusd and usdchf is eur .04 and chf .05.I would have to follow audusd and usdchf but to your question you would need to have a different lot size on both rather than just 1 lot size.To avoid a big drawdown,decide on an acceptable profit (I use 100 pips) you may use 25 pips then apply that as your target.That might cut your swap on some trades but you'll gain more from the target being reached and with each target being reached the Ea will continue to place trades(up to the amount you set) that become more relevant to time (present) thus minimizing your drawdowns.
A good pratice, and this should be part of your plan is to bank your profits often before you loose profits in a reverse and banking profits will minimize the drawdown in the event there is a reverse and substantial move. Hope this helps. David aka spiritfriends

Most traders,especially new traders feel that the bit hit brings them the big cash.With that also comes the big risks of holding your trade.You can't stay up 24/7 and watch your position so impliment a cash out by setting a target.That way,you bank some profit which is the point to all of this while letting smaller positions mature.In the event of a sideways market,your trades continue to pick up the swap.In a drawdown you minimize your stake because trades have been closed when targets have been reached and if your using version 1 it will be another 12 hours before a replacement trade is placed and 8 hours with version 2.Depending on your lot size,set your target realistically.Know the pairs your playing by using an ATR indicator giving you the day,week and monthly moves.

David aka spiritfriends

Thursday, June 4, 2009

EUR/USD-USD/CHF Update version 2

Hi Everyone,

I've posted an update from my version 2 EUR/USD and USD/CHF trades.This might help those to see a visual of whats happening.I didn't use a target of 100 pips and trades are all at .02 or 20 cents.

David aka spiritfriends

Never Blindly Follow Someone's Methods

Morning Everyone,

There are some good emails coming in regarding the experiences of traders and how this has effected their trading now in being cautious.The main one is believing that someone else has the solution for your success.It's so important for you to be in control of your destiny and not having someone else make your decisions for you.The Swap Collector is just that.It can be used so many ways.You don't have to follow the way I use it or the pairs or methods I practice.Be your own master.If you purchase a copy of Swap Collector,start with 10 cents a lot and experiment.You won't get hurt at 10 cents.You also don't need to set trades at 40 trades or 60.Start small to see the workings of the EA and your selections.Use the back tester to show you quickly the results of your decisions.

Here is another email I received and the answer.

A few years back, I was in a managed fund that targeted the swap on the GBPJPY which has good swap rates. The fund did really well while the pair was trending up but all the gains were given back (and more) when the GBPJPY fell off the mountain. This highlighted how dangerous it is to target swap returns alone. One still has to get the direction right to succeed. Does the use of three or four currencies offset the risks in this type of strategy? By your comments below, one has to do a bit of analysis to decide which currencies and the direction. I have not heard of the Murrey Math Lines before. You offer on the blog to include the four currencies that you use. Will this include tips on how to implement the EA and the use of the Murrey Math Lines.

My answer was

I have no problem before you purchase the Swap Collector to send you a couple of versions of the Murray Math Lines and the pdf's so you can experiment with them.I also teach some of my methods of trading to students all over the world.My average trader has 5 years experience or have come from stock trading to forex trading.
One of the first things I discuss with my classes is to have a plan.You should never blindly follow any system until it falls off the earth.Ask yourself what amount of money a month would you realistically believe you could make then divide that by 20 days which are the number of trading days in a month.If it's $5000 a month,you need to make $250.00 a day.That can be accomplished by collecting 250 pips at $1.00 a pip or 25 pips at $10.00 on 1 standard lot.I'm for always taking profits whether I make them in 2 days or 20 days.The hardest part of trading is the discipline to stick with your plan.I hear all the time "I could have gotten a lot more" and I reply "you also could have lost a lot more".
Try out the Murray Math Lines and I trade them from 1/8 line to 7/8 line for the reverse etc.They will often move past the 1/8 and 7/8 lines but that's basically the rule of thumb I follow.

David aka spiritfriends

I hope this helps those with questions about the Swap Collector and trading in general.

David aka spiritfriends

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Good Question

Hi Everyone,

Here is a question I received tonight that needs to be shared.

Hi David, Found the video on the Swap Collector very interesting. To make a positive swap on the EURUSD, you have to place buy positions. To do this while the pair is in a downtrend would be fairly costly. What would the results be if you ran the back test for the periods 01OCT08 to 31OCT08 or 01JAN09 to 31JAN09. Would you expect to leave the positions run until a positive result is made in following months. This may or may not occur?

and my answer

Good question.I would first like to say that there are many ways to play the Swap Collector.I like to use Murray Math Lines on the H4 and daily charts to get direction.I only mentioned eur/usd and usd/chf because they are opposites and most time what one has in losses the other has in gains...except when it comes to swap.There are 30 plus pairs to choose from with many combinations that would have paid positive swap during those dates you mentioned as EUR was dropping like a rock.Mind you,the sell on the eur/usd would have made up more for the loss of swap as the buy on usd/chf would have added to the bottom line.
I don't want anyone limited by what I use or say as there are many combinations.The swap collector isn't a method carved like other Ea's where 4-5 custom indicators all have to line up for a trade.Being time based it is the tool to take advantage of a number of pairs that are on the move while others are dormant. If you just always remember to take direction from a higher time frame and apply the direction to a pair that pays positive swap then the lot size can be configured to balance the available equity and free margin.The unfortunate truth about strategy tester is that the standard version doesn't compute daily swap payments so by hand it would take forever.I did however run both the eur/usd and usd/chf for the month of October 2008.Lot size was 10 cents and target 100 pips.The usd/chf closed for the month with +$139.34.The eur/usd -$1239.17 and I couldn't figure what the swap was.Interesting though in holding the trades for the next month of November,eur/usd for 2 months only changed to -$1314.63 but the usd/chf changed to +976.68 thus leaving a $300+ minus balance carrying into December.Again no swap figured in. If I can help or suggest other ways to benifit in using the swap collector,please email me with your questions.

The bottom line here is to remember that the Swap Collector can be used many ways to make profit.Please don't hesitate to email me with your questions.

Swap Collector Video Now on You Tube

Hi Everyone,

I now have the video on You Tube and you can watch it in better quality and size at .
I had a question that a trader thought the Ea lays a trade at certain price points.The Ea is totally time based and only lays trades every 12 hours on version 1 and every 8 hours on version 2.The only money management needed is to set your lot size according to your appetite for risk and your equity balance.You need the trades to continue daily to collect the swap.Only when you are satisfied with your bottom profit line would you close your trades and start the cycle over.
As I stated in the video,my 4 pair started May 28th had reached $617.00 by Sunday night June 1st.If that was enough for you then close the trades and start again...simple as that.
I can't stress enough that you must get the feel of the Ea if you are a beginner in trading forex before you start laying some heavy lot sizes.Ten cents a lot will give you that feel and still pay off your cost for both the Ea versions in a short time period.

David aka spiritfriends

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

More Screenshots and Reports

Hi Everyone,

I'm not sure if the video image could be enlarged so if anyone would take a minute to share that with me I would appreciate it.I will post this video on YouTube and Metacafe and maybe Yahoo.
Here are some things that will help you to see how this Swap Collector performs besides whats on the video.Be sure to check out the swap collected in 17 days with the 4 pairs I use.I will share that when a purchase is made.I know many of you have your own favourites to use but for those not familiar with trading this way,your purchase will include this selection that I use.
I do have a 100 pip target and you will see on 1 screenshot the targets being hit.I do not use a stop because I want the swap.Please forward any questions to

David aka spiritfriends

The Forex Swap Collector Video

Hi Everyone,

I've made a video explaining what The Forex Swap Collector is all about.I hope you enjoy it.If you have questions please send to .

David aka spiritfriends

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Welcome to Forex Swap Collector

Hi Everyone,

I've been trading for over 25 years.I got involved with forex about 5 years ago and quickly saw the potential using automated robots to trade for you instead of staying glued to the screen.I've developed with my good friend and excellent programmer FerruFx, a number of EA's which I found the ideas interesting.
I hope to share some of my knowledge about trading with many beginners and seasoned traders alike.This is still in the set up stages but should start rolling along shortly.
