Saturday, September 26, 2009


Hi Everyone,

The demo account was closed for 2 reasons.As you have read on the blog and in videos I had purposely over leveraged using 10 pairs and applying 20 trades on each pair therefor having 200 trades working at any one time.There was no money management applied which I also feel strongly about and therefor profits were never taken which I have always encouraged. The second reason is directions.I have 20+ pairs on a weekly chart with my custom indicator "the floater" which gives great directional guidance.It is a tad lagging but none the less sets up the swap collector beautifully.I have attached a platform started a week ago of 4 pairs all cross pairs and heavy hitters at 6 max trades and 10 cents a pip.It profited over $300.00 this past week.I am not recommending these pairs.These 4 pairs were the first 4 to change their direction on the weekly chart.
This new platform can be followed by using:

account: 90291131
read only password: tq8dgzn

I firstly would recommend that you never play more than 4 pairs per platform.Stay away from heavy hitters as my 4 pair platform until you have money to burn from your other platforms you have set up.I will be updating the changes as they happen for weekly direction and if your pairs are set in those directions even with the retracements you'll be in the right direction to collect your pips.Swap will not always be a plus factor but the collection of pips will always be priority until you can invest larger dollars where swap begins to count.

As I have stated many times,go with about 6 max orders to start at 10 cents a pip.Let the first 3 trades which is 1 full day for version 2 and 3 be placed without a target.When you have your first 3 trades set on all 4 pairs, then put a target of your choice on all pairs for the remaining 3 trades.Be realistic with your targets and goals when your playing for 10 cents a pip.It is better to have 2,3 or 4 platforms with each having 4 pairs at six max orders and 10 cent pip size and have each of them collect $100 then start rather than having 1 set to $400 as your target.Smooth price action is also better than choppy action causing the EA to go through many cycles.Choppy is fine but you'll need to stay on top of it to maximise the profits when a peak of a cycle is reached until you get version 3 with the close all..
Please work with a NON USA PLATFORM.I use and have never had any problems with the EA.In the US with the FIFO rule now the Ea will not function properly.

One other update,late but still an update is the GBP/JPY have a new floater signal to the sell side from the previous buy signal.

David aka spiritfriends

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